Departments » Employee / Support Services

Employee / Support Services

Dr. Robyn Killebrew

Dr. Robyn Killebrew

Assistant Superintendent

Chief Operations Officer

228-255-6200, ext. 110

[email protected]



Tim Allen

Timothy 'Tim' Allen            Supervisor of Plant (Buildings) and Security

228-255-6200, ext. 702

[email protected]


Sam Cuevas

Cynthia 'Sam' Cuevas
Transportation Supervisor

228-255-6200, ext. 701

[email protected]


Brad McJunkin

Brad McJunkin
Technology Director

228-255-6200, ext. 902

[email protected]


Ricky Smith

Ricky Smith                            Athletic Director

228-452-2008, ext. 328   [email protected]



Susan Walters

Human Resource Generalist

228-255-6200, ext. 108

[email protected]


Jessica Willis

Jessica Willis

Child Nutrition Supervisor

228-255-6200, ext. 106

[email protected]