Federal Programs
Community Outreach
Parental Rights Notification
Parents of children who attend Title I, Part A funded schools have the right to be provided the following information by the school district:
1. Professional qualifications of the student’s classroom teachers (and paraprofessionals, if applicable),
2. Level of achievement of the parent’s child in each statewide academic assessment,
3. Notification to parents of children taught for 4 (four) or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified, and
4. Notices and information under the Parents Right-to-Know in an understandable and uniform format, and to the extent practicable, in a language that parents can understand.
Parent and Family Engagement Plan
Parent and Family Engagement Resources
Title Plans/Federal Funding
Title II, Part A (High-Quality Teachers and Principals)
As funding permits, Pass Christian School District uses Title II funds to support recruitment and retention. Title II funds may also be used to provide evidence-based, high-quality professional development that improves the knowledge of teachers and principals.
Title IV: (Well-Rounded Education/Safe and Healthy Schools)
As funding permits, Pass Christian School District utilizes Title IV funds to support well-rounded educational opportunities and safe and healthy schools.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
English Learner Resources